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Cookie Policy

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Cookie Policy

This Cookie policy applies in addition to our privacy policy that includes how we collect and share data which can be found here.
What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are sent to your browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone or other device when you visit a website. The cookies send information back to the website each time you return. uses cookies for purposes such as improving the functionality of our websites, letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, making ads you see more relevant and generally improving the user experience.

It helps to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings.

It’s important to know that using cookies is safe. Accepting a cookie does not give a server access to your computer or any of your personal information. It is also not possible to use a cookie to deliver a virus.

You can learn more about cookies and their functions by visiting an information website like

Cookies we use uses several categories of cookies and each performs different functions. They can be categorized as below. You can see the most important cookies we use under each of these categories.

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around and navigate the website and use its features. Below you can find most of the strictly necessary cookies uses.
cookies namedescription
_ga* related to Google Analytics
_utm* related to Google Analytics
recent_games stores your recenlty played games
favgames stores your favorite games that you marked
rated_games stores your recently voted games

Functional cookies

Functionality cookies record information about choices you have made and allow to tailor the website to you. uses functionality cookies to remember choices you make such as language preference, country location, or other online settings and provide personalized or enhanced features that you select, so that next time you visit you won’t have to enter all this information again. For example can also read your browser settings so that our website will be displayed properly on your screen.

If you delete functionality cookies, any preferences or settings you selected will not be retained for later visits.

Statistics/ Performance cookies uses those cookies to gather information about the way visitors use our website. These statistics provide us with insight into how often our webpages are visited, where on our website our visitors spend the most time, how often they interact with a page or part of a page, This allows us to make the structure, navigation, and content of our website as user-friendly as possible. is able to keep track if you experience any errors and determine which parts of our website (or pages) need to be adjusted.

Advertising cookies

These cookies are used to help measure the delivery and the performance of advertising campaigns and limit the number of times you see an advert.

Third-party targeted advertising cookies may be placed on your device by third-party advertisers, ad networks, data exchanges, marketing analytics and other service providers.

Third-party targeted advertising cookies collect information about your browsing activity across multiple websites and online services in order to provide you with relevant advertisements on our websites and online services. Ad networks may share this information with the advertisers using their network. The information collected using these third-party advertising cookies does not identify you personally.

They are used for statistical analysis by allowing the advertiser to count how many people have seen their advertisement or have seen it more than once. They might also allow the advertiser to tailor advertising to you when you visit other websites. You should make sure you are aware of how third parties will use cookies by checking the third party’s cookie policy. Our main partner that might be dropping cookies is Google

Other/unforeseen cookies

Considering the way the Internet and websites work, we do not always have insight into the cookies that are being placed by third parties through our website.

Therefore, should you come across any cookies on this website that we have not listed above, please contact us

Types of cookies

Session cookies
A session cookie is temporarily stored in your computer’s memory while you are surfing on a site, for example to keep a track of which language you have chosen. Session cookies are not stored on your computer for a long period of time, but always disappear when you shut down your web browser.

Persistent or tracker cookies
A persistent cookie saves a file on your computer for a long time; this kind of cookie has an expiry date. Persistent cookies help websites remember your information and settings when you visit them in the future. This result in faster and more convenient access since, for example, you don't have to login again.
When the expiry date has passed, the cookie is automatically deleted when you return to the website that created it.

First party cookies
These are set by the website itself and can only be read by that site. These cookies are commonly used to store information such as your preferences, for use when you re-visit the site.

Third party cookies
These are set by different domains from the one shown on the browser address bar that is by an organization other than the website owner.

Third party advertising and analytics cookies are placed by or on behalf of independent advertisers who are advertising on our site. These cookies may be placed within the advertisement and elsewhere on our site. They are anonymous – they cannot identify individuals. has no access to third party cookies and third party organizations have no access to ours. The third party organizations that place cookies have their own strict privacy policies that apply to those cookies.

Flash cookies
A Flash cookie, also known as a local shared object, is a text file that is sent by a Web server to a client when the browser requests content supported by Adobe Flash, a popular browser plug-in.

Flash cookies are commonly used in website advertisements and videos. may use Flash cookies, to store your preferences or display content based upon what you view on our site to personalize your visit. Our advertisers and third-party service providers also may use Flash cookies to collect and store information. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored.

Disabling/enabling cookies via your browser

There are a number of ways for you to manage cookies and other tracking technologies. Through your browser settings, you can accept or decline cookies or set your browser to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. You should be aware that you will not be able to use all our interactive features if you set your browser to disable cookies entirely.

You can delete any cookies that have been installed in the cookie folder of your browser. The various browsers provide different procedures to manage your settings. Click on any of the browser links below for instructions.

Microsoft Windows Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari

Disabling flash cookies

More information how to delete flash cookies, you can find here. Please note that you will not be able to use all our features if you disable flash cookies.

Useful links

For more information about cookies and their use on the Internet you might check:

Microsoft Cookies guide
All About Cookies

Final remarks has right to adjust the cookie statement from time to time, which may be due to changes in our website or regulations on cookies. We are allowed to change the contents of the statements and the cookies listed at all times and without prior warning.

Should you still have questions and/or remarks, please contact us